Oakland rent board

Oakland Rental Adjustment Board 2024 Update

Oakland Rent Control: How to Raise Rent as a Landlord

Oakland Rent Board Consultant Services by Bay Property Group

Rent control in Berkeley/Oakland

How To Know If You're Covered By Oakland's Rent Adjustment Program

3 FAQs about Rent Control in Oakland & Berkeley – Education for Landlords & Investors

Denard Ingram, Chair of Oakland’s Housing & Rent Board, has new legislation adopted by The Board

Oakland Rent Control - Workshop Overview

Landlord can’t evict tenants who ‘don't intend to pay a nickel’

Rent Adjustment Program Annual Report Video

June 1 '22 Tenants Rights Workshop - City of Oakland Rent Adjustment Program

Oakland Rent Adjustment Program Tenant Petition Walkthrough

Does Oakland have eviction control?

Rent Control Explained: Debunking Your Landlord's Myths

Oakland Capital Improvements on The Bornstein Minute

Oakland Approves 90-Day Moratorium On Rent Hikes, Evictions

Serving & Filing An Oakland Rent Adjustment Program Tenant Petition

How can a tenant prove harassment in San Francisco or Oakland?

SF Rent Control Overview on The Bornstein Minute

Breaking down California's new rent control bill

Lower salaries and higher rent makes hiring teachers in Oakland tough

Are Your Tenants Living There? The Bornstein Minute

Does a landlord have a legal obligation to provide a tenant with heat in San Francisco or Oakland?

NBC Bay Area ' Making It In The Bay' Oakland Rent Strike - Februrary 10, 2020